What is Adobe Commerce Intelligence?

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What is Adobe Commerce Intelligence_

As the importance of data generation increases faster than lightning speed, organizing, accumulating, making accessible, and efficiently managing it becomes more challenging. Being a merchant, you will always look for a data-driven approach that may crop up to iron out issues about massive data volumes.

It is here when Adobe Commerce Intelligence enters the picture. Integrating Adobe Commerce Business Intelligence allows you to analyze business information and make informed decisions more quickly.

Analyzing information is crucial to determining the best solution when attempting to establish a competitive position for a business. By using Adobe Commerce Intelligence, retailers can integrate cloud-based data warehouse technology into their business processes to monitor the health of their business.

Using Adobe Commerce Business Intelligence, you’ll be able to access all of your business data in one place.

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Let’s discuss everything about incorporating Adobe Commerce Business Intelligence, from features to benefits it provides to your organization.

About Adobe Commerce Intelligence

Previously known as Magento Business Intelligence, Adobe Commerce Intelligence is a software platform for managing and analyzing data in the cloud. In Adobe Commerce Intelligence, you can consolidate and manage your information sources, perform data analysis, prepare charts and reports, and ensure consistency.

Using Adobe Commerce Intelligence, a key component of Adobe Commerce, businesses can gain insights from various data sources, allowing them to make decisions based on fact-based data and take action based on that knowledge.

Business Intelligence: How Does It Work?

In the age of business intelligence platforms like Adobe Commerce (formerly Magento), you can bring all the data about your business to one place. It is then brought together in a cloud-based warehouse so that it is used to store, sync, and analyze all the information from your business. It can then be analyzed and profitably acted upon based on collected data.

The process of Business Intelligence is as follows:

  •  The first step is assembling and loading the data into a data warehouse that holds analytics data.
  • To make the analytics data models set up for analysis, the next step is well-organizing the data sets into the analytics data models.
  • A professional business intelligence analyst and a person in the business can run analytical queries.
  • Next, the results will be compiled into a cloud dashboard, graphs, tables, bubble charts, and reports.
  • To plan strategically and make decisions, provide intense insight to your team members and business executives who will benefit the most from this data.

Who uses Adobe Commerce Intelligence?

Adobe Commerce intelligence software is commonly used in financial, sales, marketing, and operations departments. Since BI allows seamless adaptation to processes, predictions, and performance across various industry verticals, it has become a highly valuable asset. Furthermore, eCommerce brands utilize business intelligence to track their performance.

Adobe Commerce Intelligence features

Inspecting & monitoring data is the focal point for Adobe commerce intelligence. Additionally, there are many other advance features that assist businesses to generate constant flow of conversions.

Analyzing Metrics

Analyzing metric is the key feature of Adobe commerce intelligence. It measures metrics, like conversion rate, sales by product, average order value, customer lifetime value, and acquisition cost. By complying with these metrics, businesses can figure out the way their online commerce strategies are doing, make the necessary improvements, and optimize them.

Get a more immersive visualization with dynamic scatter and bubble charts

One of the outstanding features of Adobe commerce intelligence is that it offers impressive business visualization with dynamic scatter and bubble charges. You can make your reports more insightful by incorporating a third-way dimension. As you represent values, let’s say a and b, make sure to depict a, b and c values, which correspond to bubble sizes. Add more attributes to the bubbles and change their colors to make them appear more segmented.

Keep track of your objectives and make quick decisions.

Thanks to its intuitive and customizable dashboards, you can always stay on top of your business’s status. Adobe Commerce Intelligence extracts data from your entire business and is presented in an attractive and easily understandable manner.

Optimizing operations

Determine the key factors that determine the success of each transaction easily and virtually automatically. Optimizing or modifying actions using Adobe Commerce Intelligence will become simpler and more effective.

A more effective internal communication system

A user-friendly interface will allow any member of your organization to interact with the organizational structure of your organization. With this system, communication within the organization will be faster and more fluid since managers and employees will have access to information simultaneously.

Data editing control

Security and control of analytics systems can be maintained through Adobe Commerce Business Intelligence permission levels. Once an administrator is assigned, you can edit your store’s metrics, dashboards, reports, and data using the Admin tool.

Benefits of using Adobe Commerce Business Intelligence for your business

Several benefits are provided by Adobe Commerce Intelligence that can assist organizations in improving their operations and making better decisions. Adobe Commerce Business Intelligence offers the following key advantages:

A faster analysis process

As it has standard dashboards which includes customer lifetime value, executive & investor KPIs, customer segmentation, marketing ROI, merchandising analysis, and more, which allows to immediately get access to 100s of reports. You can gather data for your organization and present it in an engaging and accessible format.

An improved internal communication system

An interface that facilitates easy interaction between members of your organization can greatly optimize your structure. Internal communication is speeded up by enabling employees and managers to access essential information simultaneously.

Tracking the performance of the business

The revenue distribution statistics can provide insights into which customer segments spend the most and which categories perform the best. As another feature of Business Intelligence, it is possible to track the activity on your website to monitor whether the website is converting customers or abandoning them.

Editing of controlled data

With Adobe Commerce intelligence, users can choose from various permission levels to ensure their data is secure and regulated while using analytics tools. You can control all the stored data, dashboards, metrics, and reports upon appointing an administrator or restricting such access.

The reduction of manual labor

Data tracking and report compilation can be completely automated, relieving the users from the burden of collecting data from various departments. Thus, it contributes to an increase in business productivity as it saves a lot of extra time.

Getting Started with Adobe Commerce Business Intelligence

You must have a clear strategy to obtain the maximum value from your enterprise intelligence platform. To begin, please follow these steps:

  • Get your organization on board. A successful business intelligence journey requires the support of all levels of the organization. Engage people early on and spread the word.
  • Establish a business intelligence team. The skills of an enterprise intelligence professional are critical to the success of any organization. Using the platform, you can understand your data without the assistance of an experienced analyst.
  • Make a list of your goals. It is essential to consider your goals. Measure marketing performance, logistics performance, sales performance, or all of them? Establish and align your key performance indicators and business goals with your business intelligence goals.
  • Get your data ready. You will connect to several platforms, apps, and tools, from Facebook to Outlook.

The Integration with Adobe products

The Adobe Commerce Intelligence solution integrates seamlessly with other products, providing a powerful environment for analyzing and optimizing business data. Adobe Experience Cloud integration enables businesses to integrate customer data with marketing campaigns to provide a customized customer experience.

Using Adobe Analytics, you can analyze customer behavior across multiple channels, allowing you to understand better how customers behave across diverse platforms. It is also possible to leverage data insights through Adobe Campaign to create retargeted and effective marketing campaigns.


As organizations across industries become increasingly data-driven, Adobe Commerce Intelligence has become an increasingly valuable tool. The Adobe Business Intelligence platform facilitates companies to gain actionable insights, optimize operations, and reach strategic goals through advanced data analysis, visualization, and predictive capabilities.

A holistic market view is possible with Adobe Commerce Business Intelligence, allowing you to visualize all market scenarios. With this tool, your business can become more efficient and effective with access to the right information at the right time.

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