Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 Highlights

Adobe commerce, which was earlier pronounced as Magento, is an outstanding B2B and B2C platform that leverages AI and upgraded data-sharing capabilities under a single framework with incredible flexibility and scalability. Plus, a vast marketplace of extensions and popular third-party extensions to drive conversion with customized solutions.
Adobe commerce is constantly working towards enhancing platform performance and eliminating issues with upgraded versions. Now, they are introducing the upcoming version Adobe commerce 2.4.6 The new version have almost 300 precise changes; however, all the 300+ updates are not required as it depends upon numerous criteria of your store. All updates will improve the quality of your ecommerce store, allowing it to work more efficiently and seamlessly. So mark your calendar with the release date.
Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 Release Notes & Other Information
Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 fully supports PHP 8.1, plus it introduces support for PHP 8.2; however, removed support for PHP 7.4. As this release has over 300 quality fixes, it brings a significant change in scalability, including that category tree rendering response and GraphQL operations for bulk cart operations come with new enhancements. Moreover, third-party libraries and Core Composer dependencies are compatible with PHP 8.2 due to the upgrade to the latest version.
Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 codes for new features will come in quarterly releases; some will release independently (this includes Progressive Web Applications (PWA) Studio, B2B, and page builder). In case of bugs, fixes for these releases will be introduced in project-specific release information in documentation form for separate projects.
Adobe Commerce 2.4.6-beta2 has been tested against various versions before launching, including Varnish 7.1.1, RabbitMQ 3.9, Redis 7.0, MySQL 8.0, Composer 2.2, Open Search 2.4, MySQL 8.0, and more.
Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 highlights
Platform Enhancement
As mentioned above now merchants can’t utilize Adobe commerce on PHP 7.4 as it has been removed, but it supports PHP 8.2. PHP 8.1. Adobe commerce 2.4.6-beta2 now offers OpenSearch as the default search engine for cloud deployments and Commerce on-premises and will be considered as an independent search engine for Open source and compatible with different versions of open source, however, using OpenSearch 2.x is recommended.
Supporting ElasticSearch 8.x and Composer 2.2.x, compatibility with Redis 6.2 but deploying with Redis 7.0.x is recommended because soon Redis 6.2 is going to be EOF.
Compatible with MariaDB 10.6 (LTS version) and MariaDB 10.4, but MariaDB 10.6 (LTS version) usage is recommended.
Other replacements and upgrades include the upgrade of outdated JavaScript libraries and removing other dependencies, migrating DHL schema from v6.2 to v10.0, upgrade of Symfony dependencies to the new LTS version, and removing different components from the codebase that have reached EOF.
Security enhancements
Adobe commerce 2.4.6 features comprise eight security fixes and security improvements. No attacks are detached related to these issues, but there are vulnerabilities related to accessing customer information or administrator sessions; despite this, attackers have to access the admin panel to exploit this. So taking care of the admin is a must with other efforts like using VPN, good password hygiene, using unique location rather than /admin, two-factor authentication, and IP allows listing.
You can check the Adobe Security Bulletin for all the latest news and fixed issues.
Additional security enhancements
- When unexpected errors occur during transactions, reCAPTCHA won’t fail again and again during checkout.
- Activities are checked and improved in grid views, mass actions, and exports for gaps in Admin action logs.
Performance and scalability enhancements
- Merchants on cloud infrastructure with a high volume of orders can improve order processing performance by balancing the load on their database and re-balancing by enabling secondary connections for Redis instances and MySQL database.
- Improved import post as now merchants can import data using POST /rest//V1/import/CSV REST API endpoint in adobe commerce. This endpoint has the same capabilities as the Admin import feature, plus support using CSV file format to remove, create and update details related to the product, product pricing, and customer entries.
- Improved performance of business operations that affected around 100 segments of customers by deploying a new configuration setting. Reduction of processing time in real-time by checking if the customer is Matched by Segment setting that can be disabled.
- Merchants can benefit from the new Limit Number of Products in Grid configuration setting to improve the operation performance for grids populated with more than 200,000 products. You can check more details about no. of limits in the product grid.
The Purchase Order for Companies feature is now fully available through GraphQL API, which includes two graphic schemas:
- It covers user Purchase Order Management functionality for B2B merchants, so they can create, edit, and delete POs.
- Purchase order approval rules functionality is covered under the Purchase Order Rule GraphQL schema, depending upon the access of company users; now, they can view approval rules, edit, delete, and create them.
Accessibility updates
The reason to update this is to create a storefront experience on Venia (PWA) that comes with more understandability, has robust operational features, and is perceivable. Some of the enhancements compromise in this:
- Descriptive text can be added to the buttons across all site pages.
- “Has Video” checkboxes in search filters now appear with verbal descriptive labels.
- Keyboard-only is now able to get permission for entire functionalities of the overall storefront, as earlier shoppers weren’t allowed to access sub-navigation links through keystrokes.
Adobe Commerce integration with Adobe IMS
In Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 core code, the following Adobe IMS modules have been removed and are now available as a separate metapackage:
- admin-adobe-ims
- adobe-ims
- adobe-ims-api
Moreover, the latest version is now tied up with new adobe-ims-metapackage v2.2.0 whose functionalities remain the same.
It is also subject to many amplifications and advancements:
- To support customers having many categories on the store, category tree rendering in GraphQL is optimized, and merchants with more than 1500 categories having five subcategories now see increased performance.
- The add product mutations are improved to boost query performance in case of attaching upto 500 simple and configurable products. These mutations include addSimpleProductsToCart, addSimpleProductsToCart, addVirtualProductsToCart, addProductsToCart, updateCartItems,addVirtualProductsToCart, and addWishlistItemsToCart.
- In categories, if category permission is enabled and has many customer groups or catalogs now result in better response time while querying categories.
- Now admins can use the PayLater messaging with PayPal Vault.
- Whenever any risk arises in Braintree, the Fraud Protection web hook will be triggered, whereas the ACH web hook is triggered when ACH is shown as settlement decline or settled.
- The LPM (Local Payment Methods) web hook has also been added to the latest version.
- For Italy and Spain, pay later buttons and banners are now enabled.
PWA Studio & Page Builder
PWA Studio v.13.0.x is compatible with the new version, which includes numerous upgrades to enhance accessibility. You can check PWA studio releases regarding bug fixes information and compare the compatibility of various PWA versions with their compatible Adobe Commerce versions.
Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 is compatible with Page Builder v.1.7.3.
Fixed Issues in Adobe Commerce 2.4.6-beta2
- Better upgrades, deployment, and installation include a complete series regarding Static content deployment, Compact strategy, removal of some exceptions, composer install command, Exceptions and exception stack trace entries, successful execution of various codes, and so on.
- Improved accessibility with Place Order, Proceed to Checkout, and Review Order buttons. Visual indication of focus on buttons now works as expected.
- For the order history page, the screen reader now reads the correct image description.
- Multiple bug fixes for the B2B feature, as now it shows correct details during payment, allow browning category now not include customer groups which were related to shared catalogs, Tax/VAT Number customer attribute & Show my quotes filter on the My Quotes page now works as perfectly and many other performance issues are resolved that no longer shows error.
- Now Bundle products can be filtered successfully and updated via API for a specific store view that won’t override other store view data, decimal quantities now render correctly, GraphQL query now includes data for bundle product’s child products, and more such improvement merchants will get to see.
- In the latest version, when stock quantity changes category page caches won’t be invalid, the full-page cache is no longer flushed in case of order fulfillment, and now data will be cached successfully.
- The cart and checkout process is escalated with additional features, more correct calculations, Google ReCAPTCHA, admin configuration settings, confirmation popups, removal of errors in the Javascript console, correct product images, Admin Manage Shopping Cart page, and many more.
- Changes have been brought to the cart price rule, so now while setting rule creation, there will be availability of cart price rule free shipping options, and cart rules that include requirements now perform as expected.
- The catalog is introduced with 22 major and minor changes, including product list widget, compare products list feature, product detail page, categories and subcategories, category listings, storefront inventory count, display out of stock products’ configuration, boolean attributes, main product image, swatch options color and size attributes and more are now working as intended with additional features and unnecessary code removals.
- After the order is created now, Adobe Commerce won’t be subjected to sending duplicate emails, certain features are disabled for emails, and the image option is no longer unavailable as HTML markup in the order confirmation, credit memo, and invoice customer emails. Furthermore, customer email addresses will include diacritics.
- Issues in the framework have been resolved for Internal server errors, corrupted files, failure of AMQP consumers, storefront validation error messages, product attribute code event, correct rowId parameter, re-authorization of OAuth integrations, and erroneous assumptions of category paths, and so on.
- Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 is subject to many other general fixes like in credit memos, admin access restriction, globally shared customer accounts, hierarchy functionality for breadcrumbs, error related to the removal of products, maximum login failed attempts for customers, dynamic rows component, dynamic rows component in specific files, upgradation of recordLogin method, New Relic Reporting module with compliance with CSP, and correction of information in table creation.
- Notes releases related to changes in the inventory management system with advancements which include shipping attributes, column position on the product grid, stock quantity, product stock status, reservation inconsistency analyzer tool, and others.
- The other segments for fixes involve orders, logs, payment, reports, reviews, roles, search, tax, translations & locales, URL rewrites, visual merchandiser, media gallery, infrastructure, import/export, along with others.
There are countless other changes to be mentioned; nevertheless, we tried our best to give important details in a summarized form.
Learn more here: Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 Release Notes
Winding Up
You can get all details in-depth by directly visiting Adobe Commerce 2.4.6. Release note page, although the above-stated points include the most crucial points of the latest version, we tried hard to hand-pick the essential ones. If you are thinking of leveraging Adobe commerce 2.4.6, we recommend hiring a Magento-certified professional or opting for magento upgrade services. If you need any help, feel free to contact us.