How to Get Your Shopify Store to Rank on Google

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How to Get Your Shopify Store to Rank on Google Blog Image

Do you know? There are around 4.4 million active Shopify stores operating all over the world. All of them want to rank higher in Google search results so they can attract maximum customers and obviously sales.

However, ranking high in Google SERPs is not an easy task. It requires store owners to follow the right steps. In this blog post, we are going to discuss some of the necessary steps in detail. So, keep reading till the end.

Steps For Ranking a Shopify Store Higher in Google

Below are some essential steps that you can consider following in order to rank your store high in the SERPs.

1. Perform Keyword Research

Keywords are special words and phrases that potential customers search online to find the required information and products. These can greatly contribute to increasing the visibility of a store in the SERP, let us explain how.

When your store’s page or products contain relevant keywords that potential customers are searching for, Google will most likely show your store as the most relevant search result against their searched query.

Now the question that arises here is how can you find relevant keywords? Or how can you know what people are searching on Google? The only way for this is by utilizing advanced keyword research tools such as Ahrefs. The tool will provide you with a long list of both short and long-tail keywords for the given topic.

So, you can pick the most suitable yet high-volume keywords from that list, and incorporate them into the store’s content such as landing pages, blogs, etc.

2. Make Product Descriptions Compelling & Concise

To enhance the store’s ranking, you should make all the descriptions compelling and concise. This is because an engaging description allows crawlers to crawl effectively, resulting in a good rating for the store.

Whereas, conciseness contributes to higher user engagement, which will give a good indication to Google that the content is of high quality, ultimately resulting in better SERP visibility.

To make descriptions attractive to read, the rule of thumb is to replace all the casual and boring words with their appealing synonyms. Additionally, you also need to modify sentence structure for maximum fluency.

Obviously, this will not only require strong writing skills but also ample time and effort. So, it would be great if you opt for a paraphrase tool. It will quickly turn your given description into a compelling one by following the aforementioned approach.

When it comes to making product descriptions concise, you need to manually find and remove unnecessary or extra words and phrases while keeping the quality and meaning unchanged. However, a summary generator can automate this process for you. And you can get fluff-free concise content once the tool summarizes it.

3. Optimize Other Essential On-Page Elements:

You should perfectly optimize the essential on-page elements of your Shopify store according to Google requirements. Doing so can also enhance the overall rankings.

  • Optimize Product Titles: Titles are the most important part of every product as well as for stores. Their optimization process involves using relevant keywords, a product name that is clear and descriptive, and each word starting with a CAPITAL letter.
  • Optimize the images: The images of the product should be of the highest quality but their size shouldn’t be that big. The recommended size usually ranges between 100-300 KB.
  • Take Care of CTA: You should make the CTA clear and compelling so that potential customers know what you want them to do next. Additionally, try to place a CTA where it is easily visible.

So, these are some of the essential elements that you can take care of to enhance your store’s visibility.

4.  Build Quality Backlinks

Backlinks are confirmed Google ranking factor. When you build backlinks on external sites, they act as a vote of confidence for you and encourage Google to improve the store’s rankings. This works even better when the backlinks are of high quality.

A quality backlink in the eyes of Google is one that is do-follow and added on a relevant web page of a high-reputable website. There are a couple of methods for building good backlinks for your Shopify store, and those are:

  • Outreaching
  • Guest posting

5. Take Steps to Enhance Customer Experience

A great customer experience will increase the dwell time of your Shopify store, which will then result in enhanced rankings. So, as an online business owner, you should take the necessary steps to enhance the overall experience of your store.

For instance, you should provide personalized product suggestions to your customers. Ones based on their browsing behavior or purchase history. Moreover, you should also try your level best to simplify the purchasing process for the targeted audience.

You should also encourage customer reviews or feedback. This will greatly help you in identifying what sort of issues customers are facing, and then take steps to efficiently address them.

Final Words

Ranking high among SERPs is no doubt the primary goal of every Shopify store out there. However, it is not an easy task, but it’s not impossible as well. If you follow the steps we’ve mentioned in this article properly, there is a strong chance your store will achieve a good ranking.

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