About Customer:
Dormity has existence for more than 20 years in the rest industry and is considered as a benchmark in the rest sector. Domity teams believe in a customer-centric approach and provide the best sleep solutions. They offer a huge range of mattresses, including viscoelastic mattresses, children’s mattresses, high-range spring mattresses, toppers, cool mattresses for summers, crib mattresses, and many more. It also provides bed linens, headboards, pillows, and bed frames.
Moreover, they have created a world-first research and developmental project that facilitate the prescription of personalized mattress for each customer; they even collaborated with Spanish Sleep Association on the first national edition named “Guide to rest”, prepared by expert medical professionals.

Client’s Needs:
Dormity already had a website on Magento’s older version, i.e. 2.3, so they were searching for a company that could transition it to the latest version (Magento 2.4). It’s credit goes to Rock Technolabs developers for delivering their fully-functional Magento store to satisfy their needs. We take pride in the outstanding efforts of our skilled Magento developers on this project. The below paras outline the various tasks the client was looking for:
The list goes too long as the Dormity website requires several extensions, modules, and integrations for custom features, speed optimization, import & export of data, and consumer tracking. They want their website backend to be completely customized, for which we made numerous changes associated with store information, website restriction, order status, terms & conditions, mapping, and automated data transfer.
They also seek diverse advanced features related to product search, delivery time, navigation options, banners, pricing, checkout page, thank you page, code audit and more that we integrated using third-party tools. Additionally, we made many changes after the installation of modules to make it workable for the store and enhance user experience.

We proudly say that even after facing a number of technical problems, we delivered our best. Some of the challenges we encountered were – while upgrading from Magento 2.3 to 2.4, we installed PHP 7.4 to support the upgraded version; however, when running the composer update command, we got some error messages. Nonetheless, we solved it by following a few steps related to updating the theme’s composer.json file.
Another issue was related to google tag manager and js/css loading issues. In google tag manager, the issue is with the script; even if we used the extension to configure GTM, whencode was injected in the < head> of the site, it showed a bank code with a comment but no < script> , for this we changed the GTM extension (WeltPixel) and gave it another try. In JS/CSS loading, it was showing the wrong path for the pub directory, so we changed the below file
/vendor/magento/framework/View/Element/Template/File/Validator.php and find
$realPath = $this->fileDriver->getRealPath($path); And replaced it with
$realPath = str_replace(‘\’, ‘/’, $this->fileDriver->getRealPath($path));
There were some other minor problems as well related to free gift functionality, google shopping feed, and speed optimization, but those got quick resolution just by implementing some tweaks in the code.

Checkbox subscription Integrated for the newsletter; integrated Datalayer, Google Tag Manager (WeltPixel_GoogleTagManager), and Google Analytics for conversion tracking, error checking, security features, and to track website performance and collection of visitors’ insight. Integrated third party payment methods like Aplazame and Redsys with related configurations.
Mageants extensions were deployed for Product label functionality, FreeGift functionality, and Preselect functionality and customized as per dormity requirement. Rock Technolabs feature-rich modules were also utilized for Google shopping feed, squeezly integration, and ERP catalogue import. Rocktechnolabs_FieldPassport were used for custom implementation for the custom DNI passport field, email template, and for order page on the backend.
Custom modules were created to remove notifications of the default newsletter email subscription, remove some regions on the checkout page, and for the thank you page new layout. Mazeplaza extensions were leveraged, including Mageplaza_AjaxLayer, Mageplaza_LayeredNavigation, Mageplaza_Search, Mageplaza_Shopbybrand, & Mageplaza_DeliveryTime.
Some other significant integration and functionalities implemented in dormity.com – Calendly, CJ Integration, Trusted Shops Integration, URL Child Product functionality (which select child product by URL option value), AddtoCart sticky bar on PDP page, Sales Tracking Kelkoo, Typography Blog, Cookie wall integration, consolidated oneStepCheckout, and added subcategory slider banner on the category page.
Moreover, our expert developers did a complete audit of the code; installed and configured the module of MagePal_CheckoutSuccessMiscScript to add the miscellaneous script on the success page for TradeTracker, plus performed customization related to Tax and total displaying layout on order summary for cart and checkout page, also customized a module for shipping cost.

Final Result:
Our Project Manager & Magento Developers put their 2000+ hrs. On this project and at last, our hard work resulted in a full-optimized & functional dormity store having exceptional speed with excellent performance score as it shows 0.9 s for First Contentful Paint, 0.9 s, Largest Contentful Paint, and 0.067 Cumulative Layout Shift.
Dormity listed products are performing better on the search engine result page, and now the website is pretty simple to navigate as all categories are perfectly arranged. Dormity has witnessed 100% customer satisfaction, plus analytics display that their user appreciates the overall experience on their upgraded store, which ultimately resulted in 45.6 % more sales.